Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

End of Summer Cleanup Time

Time for Cousin Bobby to haul his vehicle out of here...

We'll need a backhoe to clear out Granddad's old still shed down in the willows.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Squash Blossoms in The Gopher Garden

Multiple blossoms on the acorn squash.

All the tomatoes and peppers at their peak harvest.

Thai dragon peppers now mostly turning red.

Jalapenos putting out dozens of fruit.

Beets getting settled in.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mildew, Gopher, Rain Coming

But not for a few days.

A lovely east view of Lake Washington, looking toward the Cascade Mountains.

As this season winds down, we are given to vows of doing better next season, while listing the mistakes and surprises that have been noted over the last 4 months.

Included in the plan for next season:
  • New varieties to attempt
  • Varieties tried this season not to be included next
  • Better placement of crops
  • Better timing of seeding and transplanting of starts
  • Better planning of staggered planting
  • Plans to combat gophers and mildew on squash and cucumbers

This powdery mildew appeared on the pumpkins first and spread to the cucumbers. Just taking hold on the newest cucumbers and acorn squash and I intend to dissuade it.

And my pal, Gopher. New strategies will have to be developed.

Newly planted broccoli. Also new Family Room for Gopher and party.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Summer Has Arrived in Washington...

And it's going to be a short one. Gopher and company arrived too.

I can recall numerous summers in the Pacific Northwest that amounted to nothing more than an extended overcast Spring - only the temps wewe in the 60s and 70s.

This year has had OK but mild temps and a never-ending parade of clouds, threats of rain, and annoying shortages of sunny days.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, our modest garden has been invaded by rodent Gophers. My lack of recent posts is a result of severe depression, brought about by the shame, embarrassment and explosive rage I have experienced due to this invasion.

Nothing works. The Gopher is always in the next yard, having a laugh, as I have attempted the standard eradication measures:
  • A) Garden hose down the hole - Command full water pressure. (Nice for helping collapse the entire plot)
  • B) Gopher Gassers - handy little sulphur spewing mini-flares. (Provided my guests with an opportunity to 'take the air' for a few minutes)
  • C) The ole 'Jalapenos Down the Hole' trick. (My first attempt at discouraging Gopher. Led to necessity of A and B)

The view East to the Cascades from the Humble garden, sunny Monday afternoon

Broccoli (Packman) planted Aug.28 from starts. This entire 6x10 area is home to numerous Gopher burrows.

Beets (Red Ace) starts planted Aug.28 (from seed)

Red cabbage (Red Acre) planted Aug.28 from starts.

Brussels Sprouts (Rubine) planted Aug.28 from starts.

Roma tomatoes have been very slow to ripen compared with Early Girl, both planted at same time. Very nice fruit.

Early Girl at its peak. Harvesting 3-6 tomatoes each day now.

Anaheim chili peppers still enthusiastically growing some large fruit. So far have harvested about 15. Six remaining on bush.

And the jalapenos (5 bushes, started from seed) have been prolific. Because of the lack of consecutive warm days, the peppers seem to be quite mild in spicy heat.

Thai dragon peppers also quite prolific, after a slow start, and a complete uprooting by Gopher. Continues to throw off the long green chilis, many now turning red. These also seem to be far more mild than I expected.

Walla walla sweets. Next year, we plant lots more of these, staggered throughout the season.

Four broccoli starts (Packman) that almost did not survive Gopher. The rodent first invaded 2 days after these fellows arrived.

Bully Boys (pumpkins)

Acorn squash behaving nicely inside its little cage. Several buds turning to fruit.

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Monday, September 3, 2007