A very poor week for candidate John McCain gets worse. Pardon Sister if she guffaws out loud - it's not what you think. John McCain deserves pity, and Sister can be quite generous dispensing pity.
Poor McCain. His message is a disaster. His delivery is a mess. His staff consists of thugs, criminals and Phil Gramm. Even the bottom feeders that say they will vote for him don't really believe a word he says. And for good reason.
Most recently, John McCain wrote an Op-Ed rant for
The New York Times, in response to a
Brarck Obama Op-Ed.
FAIL. It was
rejected declined by Times editors. Well Boo Hoo Hoo and Cry Me a Big Fat River, John, you mumbling gasbag.
Times editor David Shipley:
'The Obama piece worked for me because it offered new information (it appeared before his speech); while Senator Obama discussed Senator McCain, he also went into detail about his own plans."
Shipley Continues:
"It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama's piece. To that end, the article would have to articulate, in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq."
Let me guess...it wasn't that you lied like a sack, and can't respond to intelligent arguments coherently...that's certainly not the problem. It's
The Times! They must be Liberals! And worse...Liberals that are trying to silence the Straight Shooter.
"A top McCain source claims the paper simply does not agree with the senator's Iraq policy, and wants him to change it, not "re-work the draft."
Woe is Me.
They've been right all along. The Liberal Media censors the truth and now the John McCain camp is mad - hoppingly.
BTW: Sister Hugo now feels Unclean and must bathe, having had to reference the Drudge Report above. BRB.
Meanwhile, John McCain Continues to Amaze: