Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm a Farmer

May 2007
As far back as the 1950s, this space was used as a vegetable garden for many years. The fence along the north border of this 50 acre Gentleman Farm is the sunniest spot on the place. Neighborhood cats visited each morning to appreciate the easily dug soil before the vegetables were planted this year.

The theme this year is Square-Foot-Gardening. Your cram everything together in their little assigned spot. The pessimist says that vittles don't grow too pretty good in the moldy NW because summer doesn't even start until July 4th. Everybody will get along fine in their cozy friendliness. Ha.

The Lettuce posse. Planted May 15 from those plastic 6-pack deals you get at the A&P. Said to be friendly with the beans lurking at left.

No parsnips. No rutabagas. No turnips. These are detestable root vegs. Only American carrots and radishes here. Late summer will bring some beets. Oy.

Facing west. Basil, Rosemary and Sage. Sounds like the kids across the street. Then there's Dill, the tall one. Oregano in there. At right foreground in front of cages. Bell and Anaheim peppers. Temperamental grouches, these peppers. Not happy about the air conditioning.

Pole beans and sugar pumpkins preparing the armed takeover. In the distance, the path to the horse paddocks and wetlands habitat.

Fence posts and rigging wire poised to contain the unruly beans. Pumpkins to right of rigging will be beating up on the beans shortly.

Leftovers from Pappy's still down by the crick. We'll clean it up someday when we get new HazMat suits.

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