A grand pepper experiment is underway. Those originally planted out (shown below) are showing signs of willful determination and may not hand over any pepper fruit.
Three different pepper varieties were placed in the garden in mid-May, from 3 inch starts acquired from Dr. Sluggo's Garden Emporium. Turns out these were put out too early.
At the same time in May, Early Jalapenos were started from seed and transplanted to pots later, and left outside. All of the Experts say not to put peppers out until the night temperatures are staying above 55 F. Uh-Oh.
These little fellows are said to want full sun, good drainage (raised beds work best), plenty of water during hot season, but well-drained, and summer-like overnight temps.
All of these peppers that went into the garden in May have misbehaved themselves. They probably have not appreciated the below-55 temps and wet weather during May and most of June. They all tend to wilt, haven't grown that much, and two of them have a black discoloration at many of the branch junctures.
Have started a new crop of jalapenos from seed and they will go into the garden in mid-July with warm soil, warm nights and full sunny days. Maybe.
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