Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sister Has Gone Global
Sister has moved to new corporate headquarters. She has also acquired a new identity.
Come visit!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Finally...Proof! It's KEWLL to be Republican
Conclusion: The myth that Conservatives are un-Cool is exactly that - mythology.
Old School - and Analog
Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Bach's Fugue in G Minor - The Little Fugue
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Slow Motion Self-Destruct
Poor McCain. His message is a disaster. His delivery is a mess. His staff consists of thugs, criminals and Phil Gramm. Even the bottom feeders that say they will vote for him don't really believe a word he says. And for good reason.
Most recently, John McCain wrote an Op-Ed rant for The New York Times, in response to a Brarck Obama Op-Ed. FAIL. It was
Times editor David Shipley:
'The Obama piece worked for me because it offered new information (it appeared before his speech); while Senator Obama discussed Senator McCain, he also went into detail about his own plans."Shipley Continues:
"It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama's piece. To that end, the article would have to articulate, in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq."
"A top McCain source claims the paper simply does not agree with the senator's Iraq policy, and wants him to change it, not "re-work the draft."
Woe is Me. They've been right all along. The Liberal Media censors the truth and now the John McCain camp is mad - hoppingly.
BTW: Sister Hugo now feels Unclean and must bathe, having had to reference the Drudge Report above. BRB.
Meanwhile, John McCain Continues to Amaze:
It's Poetry in Motion...
Sean Hannity getting chased around New Hampshire by a mob of angry 'Ron Paultards'
Michael 'Savage Weiner': "Autistic kids aren't sick, they're brats."
FYI: Lunatic Michael Weiner, a self-proclaimed homophobb, selected his pseudonym, Savage, as a means of sending a coded message to gays. He's Michael (the) Savage Weiner.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
MSNBC Chief on Faux News: "You can't trust a word they say"
"What they are trying to do is play a game here," Griffin continued. "THEY made the business decision to create an ideological network. We didn't. They were the ones that got in bed with the Bush Administration, so that most of the time, where did the Bush Administration officials come out and make their points? Fox News. We didn't. You brought it up, but it's a great story because you can't trust a word they say."
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Funny Germans!

A float depicting U.S. President George W. Bush being spanked by the Statue Of Liberty passes by during the Rose Monday carnival parade in Mainz, western Germany, on Monday, Feb. 19, 2007. Thousands of spectators attended the traditional street carnival parade in the state of Rhineland-Palatinates's capital.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Ah, the Good Old Nixon Days

Good old days of Nixon? Indeed. Have a look at our War President, being interviewed by a British journalist (a real journalist) and indulge yourself in the nostalgia of a naive, gullible and blundering Richard Nixon.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Iran...You Suck at Photoshop

Or perhaps the headline of this post should read, "American media: you suck at fact-checking."
From the NYT blog The Lede:
Unfortunately, it appeared to contain one too many missiles, a point that had not emerged before the photo appeared on the front pages of The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune and several other newspapers as well as on BBC News, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, and many other major news Web sites.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Lies Lies Lies, Everywhere the Lies
When Sister lies to you, she's probably only committing a venial sin, considering that nobody will actually die as a result of Sister's indiscretion.
When the preznit of the US lies us into a 'war' and tens upon tens of thousands of people die, that would be a mortal sin...or two.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Barack Obama: The Way-Left-of-Center Candidate
And that there is former presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, laughing in Steele's face at what a buffoon he is. Steele has likely never heard of Bernie Sanders, Independant Senator from Vermont and self-professed Socialist who would be considered, among others, to be a bit more to the left of center politically than Obama.
Normally, Sister would find it distasteful to quote the likes of Joseph Goebbels. Unless, that is, she can find a good example of Goebbel's philosophy at work in American media. Right-wing gasbag talking head propagandists provide examples every day on Faux, as displayed above.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
("lol McCain is teh oldz!"),
But the truth is, it's not going to be close. Not even a little bit.
Imagine yourself in a high school history class a century from now. Imagine the teacher beginning the section on the elections of 2008 by setting the scene: "America's economy was in flames, we were fighting two wars with no end in sight, and global warming was accelerating at an alarming rate. The most despised president in 150 years was nearing the end of his two corruption-ridden terms, and had heartily endorsed his successor, John McCain -- who, despite a few ideological differences, planned on keeping the status quo intact. Running against him was a lightning-in-a-bottle candidate named Barack Obama. A candidate who had nearly six times the money to spend, drew crowds of 70,000, and who received support from a surprising number of disenfranchised Republicans -- even some of the Evangelicals who swept Bush to power.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday Evening Palate Refresher
Michael Papillo, Robin Nolan, Frank Vignola, David Grisman
These boys can knock off a mean polka.
David Grisman, Tony Rice, Mark O'Connor, & Rob Wasserman
I'm Voting Republican in '08...Redux
This little synopsis that chronicles 18 months of Republican Bad Luck, put together by The Swing State Project, may be helpful for those of you needing a good reason or two for reconsidering your staunch Republican position.
It's often been said that the Republican Party, from coast to coast, has run into some pretty bad luck this cycle. But I think it's very easy to forget just how much bad luck they've run into. To remedy that, the Swing State Project has put together the most comprehensive compendium of Republican hubris, fuckups and misfortunes you will find anywhere, ever.
I hope you packed a snack, because this is gonna take a while.
Monday, June 30, 2008
John McCain: Flip Flop Review
- McCain was against the repeal of Roe v. Wade before he was for it.
- McCain was against torture before he was for it. Really for it.
- McCain was against crazy right-wing preachers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson before he was for them.
- McCain was against Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy before he was for them.
- McCain was against shady Bush “Pioneer” Texas billionaire swift-boat financiers before he was for them.
- McCain was for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law before he was against it and began breaking it.
- McCain was against Grover Norquist, whom he called “corrupt, a shill for dictators“ before he was for him.
- McCain was against BJU because of its “hateful,” “racist and cruel” policies before he was for it.
- McCain was against ethanol before he was for ethanol and then he was against it again.
- McCain was against a Martin Luther King holiday before he was for it
Saturday, June 28, 2008
US Government UFO Warning
Last week, candidate Barack Obama made a statement alluding to the fact that in the months to come, the Right Wing Noise Machine would be pulling out every trick available to help their losing cause. Including using racial innuendo, code phrases, and outright bigotry in their campaign swill.
OMG. Every single Neocon pundit with a microphone or compute keyboard was orgasmic, gleefully accusing Obama of 'Dealing the Race Card...'
Friday, June 27, 2008
John McCain Laff of the Day
Thank Gawd for YouTube so that gems like this will live on for eternity in a digital vault somewhere at Google Inc. - still more evidence that the lying, criminal neocons have sold it all down the river completely. The selling out actually took place a while ago...we're kind of like at the tail end of the garage sale at this point.
BTW...MaCain didn't even bother to show up to Vote on this veterans bill that he so aggressively opposed - which passed the Senate 92-6, no thanks to the candidate. Such hubris. Such balls - or as the Brits like to say, such stones. The Surrealistic Weeks are just getting going.
The Conservative Remainder Bin
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Website is Down...
The Rev. James Dobson Crawls Out From Dark Place. Part 1
The Mighty Reverend James Dobson, DJ for a radio gig called 'Focus on the Family,' has attacked Democratic nominee Barack Obama's interpretation of Holy Scripture. Obama has responded. Jeebus, why does Obama even acknowledge this loser? Here's Sister Hugo's lowdown.
Apparently Obama's team recently made an overture to the Dobson group. They requested a little audience with Dobson and his Colorado Springs Mafia. (You know, like Elvis and his Memphis Mafia) Obama's guys were trying to open up a little communication, being as Obama is running for Preznit and whatnot. Hardly naive, you'd think. 'Let's reach out to a few nutbags and play nice, OK?' FAIL.
See, Barack Obama forgot that back in 2006 he made a speech to a religious group. (Smear jockeys with microphones say it was a Liberal religious group. Dobson is owner/operator of a Conservative Religious Group) During his 2006 speech, Obama made reference to Dr. James Dobson, CEO of Family Research Council. He mocked the good Reverend, sure. Why not?
During his 2006 speach, made to the group 'Call To Renewal', Obama was discussing the Right Wing wet dream of forcing fundamentalist religious propaganda into the public schools. He asked a simple question of his listeners. Who's Christianity will we impose on our public school students if the neocon nutjobs get their way? Will it be the Christianity of Rev.James Dobson? Or the Christianity of the Rev. Al Sharpon?'
Well. Dobson is not accustomed to being mocked by senators and the like. He's been wringing his hands and rending his garments, as it were, for 2 years now. Superb strategist that he is, Dobson has calculated that NOW is the time to get down with the Right Wing Noise Machine for the 2008 Greatest Hits Obama Smear.
Referencing Obama's 2006 speach, Dobson wailed from the pulpit today that "I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology..." He aslo stated that Obama's interpretation of the Constitution is 'Fruitcake". Is he outing Barack Obama as a homo?
Mother of babbling Christ. Sister will vomit soon without a medicinal preparation of some kind. Get a load of Pat Buchanan. This bigot, who's been a political operative all his life, has much wisdom to dispense to you and me.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Perplexing Quote for Today
PRESIDENT BUSH: Madam President, it is a pleasure to welcome you back to the Oval Office. We have just had a very constructive dialogue. First, I want to tell you how proud I am to be the President of a nation that -- in which there's a lot of Philippine-Americans. They love America and they love their heritage. And I reminded the President that I am reminded of the great talent of the -- of our Philippine-Americans when I eat dinner at the White House. (Laughter.)
PRESIDENT ARROYO: Yes.PRESIDENT BUSH: And the chef is a great person and a really good cook, by the way, Madam President.
Jeebus. Sister is now compelled to include this encore presentation of The Best of Dear Leader.
That Karl Rove is such a sweet boy...
Monday, June 23, 2008
These Are Cool...What's the Fuss?

It's About Keeping You on the Reservation
Linceus GmbH’s miniature monorail cars are proposed to secure the border. In fact, if implemented, they will be used to keep us on the globalist reservation.
Noah Shachtman, writing for Wired, tells us the latest police state technological marvel may be used to secure the border. More than likely, it will be used to surveil you and me.
Linceus GmbH is looking to turn miniature monorail cars into camera-equipped sentries, zipping around at nearly 50 miles per hour. And unlike human guards, Defense News' Barbara Opall-Rome reports, these rail-riding robo-watchers are "impervious to bad weather; operate around the clock; and come equipped with dazzling spotlights, high-decibel acoustics and other nonlethal means of warning the unwitting." A demonstration at Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport is planned for next week.
Well. Sister Hugo has always loved her high tech gadgets. She also has little patience for conspiracy nuts, assassination buffs and Big Brother hysterics. At 102 years young, Sister declares with authority that It Can't Happen Here.
Robot cameras zipping around at 50 mph on monorail tracks, spying and junk...well, Sister wants one of those for the Compound here at St. Bob's.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Saturday Evening Indoctrination Film PLUS Bonus!
Plus a Replay From Yesterday...Sister's Favorite Blue Oyster Cult
Haw Haw. Sister cannot get enough gratutitous violence.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It Was 36 Years Ago Today
-June 17, 1972
Family Research Council Sez:

Tony Perkins, sniveling Jackball For Christ and president of FRC, is ecstatic. This is Tony's line of work - his Specialty - and he doesn't waste a moment. Bleating from his pulpit at command central, Tony gets to the business of clearing up this bs here and now.
The crisis in California "threatens to undo thousands of years of natural marriage...triggering five months of social chaos that could wreak havoc on every state in America."
Only five months of anarchy? Oh yeah, Tony didn't exactly elaborate on the five-months part. That's OK. Here's a hint: California voters will have a final chance to firebomb this little smoochy party on the November ballot.
Got it? It's the gay-bashing-in-crowd's wet dream that California voters are a sane lot. They will put a stop to this barbarism, and there you have it. Well...there's more. Professional Christian, Chris Gacek, also camped at the FRC, has an original thought: "What about the children?" Indeed. In his analysis, Chris bemoans the fact that "...public schools will teach the fully equal status of homosexual and heterosexual conduct based, in substantial part, on state marriage law."
Uh-oh. That means that schools will have to teach that the law treats everybody equally. How embarrassing.
The FRC is not taking chances over the clear-thinking Californians. They are fighting back. Check out this Father's Day advertisement - it's a winner. The FRC is also offering a Free Marriage Protection Kit. Radical. I'm headed over there right now to get mine. Hope there's some rubbers in there. I think I'm fresh out.

Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
John McCain - Victim of Credit Card Debt

I know what American Express charges for interest on a Platinum Card. A fiscally responsible household should probably sell some of the million of Anheuser-Busch stock they own and stop paying that 17% ARP on $500,000 worth of Amex charges. There are some other stark contrasts between the McCains and the Obamas. The McCains have a net worth around $40 million, almost all of it from Cindy’s holdings. The Obamas' net worth is closer to $4 million, most of it earned from Barack’s two recent books. Instead of going into debt they have managed to put $250,000 in a college savings account for their two daughters.
Mother of Babbling Christ!! Has Anyone Called FOX News?

Senior Geo. Bush does the 'Bump' after a vigorous tennis match.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The FAIL Files

I told you kids to turn that TV off if you aren't watching it!

Say Elmer, would you neck is stuck, the kids are starving, I just got fired from the dairy...and I have to pee.
Sure, Bossie, absolutely. It's OK. This is how we help over at Farmer Bill's place...