Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Rev. James Dobson Crawls Out From Dark Place. Part 1

Pardon Sister's crude French, but WTF. Somebody help me. I hate religious/political operative hypocrites so fucking much, and my BS meter is redlining.

The Mighty Reverend James Dobson, DJ for a radio gig called 'Focus on the Family,' has attacked Democratic nominee Barack Obama's interpretation of Holy Scripture. Obama has responded. Jeebus, why does Obama even acknowledge this loser? Here's Sister Hugo's lowdown.

Apparently Obama's team recently made an overture to the Dobson group. They requested a little audience with Dobson and his Colorado Springs Mafia. (You know, like Elvis and his Memphis Mafia) Obama's guys were trying to open up a little communication, being as Obama is running for Preznit and whatnot. Hardly naive, you'd think. 'Let's reach out to a few nutbags and play nice, OK?' FAIL.

See, Barack Obama forgot that back in 2006 he made a speech to a religious group. (Smear jockeys with microphones say it was a Liberal religious group. Dobson is owner/operator of a Conservative Religious Group) During his 2006 speech, Obama made reference to Dr. James Dobson, CEO of Family Research Council. He mocked the good Reverend, sure. Why not?

During his 2006 speach, made to the group 'Call To Renewal', Obama was discussing the Right Wing wet dream of forcing fundamentalist religious propaganda into the public schools. He asked a simple question of his listeners. Who's Christianity will we impose on our public school students if the neocon nutjobs get their way? Will it be the Christianity of Rev.James Dobson? Or the Christianity of the Rev. Al Sharpon?'

Well. Dobson is not accustomed to being mocked by senators and the like. He's been wringing his hands and rending his garments, as it were, for 2 years now. Superb strategist that he is, Dobson has calculated that NOW is the time to get down with the Right Wing Noise Machine for the 2008 Greatest Hits Obama Smear.

Referencing Obama's 2006 speach, Dobson wailed from the pulpit today that "I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology..." He aslo stated that Obama's interpretation of the Constitution is 'Fruitcake". Is he outing Barack Obama as a homo?

Mother of babbling Christ. Sister will vomit soon without a medicinal preparation of some kind. Get a load of Pat Buchanan. This bigot, who's been a political operative all his life, has much wisdom to dispense to you and me.

Stay tuned.

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