Psychopath liars do that. Psychopaths also don't notice how absolutely dopey their lies sound to the non-psychopaths they spew to.
What is the problem here? It's all about "What Obama Left Out", spewed forth in the NY Times June 2 column of young Bill Kristol. (Read the entire piece
"More striking is Obama’s sin of omission. In the rest of the speech, he goes on to detail — at some length — the “so many ways to serve” that are available “at this defining moment in our history.” There’s the Peace Corps, there’s renewable energy, there’s education, there’s poverty — there are all kinds of causes you can take up “should you take the path of service.
But there’s one obvious path of service Obama doesn’t recommend — or even mention: military service. He does mention war twice: “At a time of war, we need you to work for peace.” And, we face “big challenges like war and recession.” But there’s nothing about serving your country in uniform.
It can’t be that the possibility of military service as an admirable form of public service didn’t occur to Obama. Only the day before, Obama had been squabbling with John McCain about veterans’ benefits. He said then, “Obviously I revere our soldiers and want to make sure they are being treated with honor and respect.”
- Back in the heady days when Bill was a lad, there was a good old-fashioned, well-publicized American Occupation in full service amid the rice paddies. 8000 miles yonder. The draft registration process for the LBJ military machine was not exactly conducted volunteer style.
- A young, self-proclaimed 'leftist' idealist such as Bill Kristol needed a very good excuse to avoid being drafted into the Army. For example, Rush got his medical deferment because he had boils on his butt. And the sly Dick Cheney worked like rented mule for months to make some babies with Lynne - successfully - for the 'Daddy' deferment he required.
- William Kristol, son of Irving, born in December 1952, was required to register for the draft in December of 1970. Let's see..
- Godfrey Daniel!...Mother Mary & Joseph! Veet-Nam is in full swing, baby. Kids in uniform, same age as Billy, were being slaughtered by the busload. Commies did it!
- Problem for Bill: How do I not get shipped to a war zone - where I'll get my ass shot off by Commies, like legions of other chumps.
- Solution for Bill: Bypass All of the Honorable Paths: Join up and go kill some commies, or do whatever possible to voice opposition to the war, or maybe join the Peace Corps.
- Nope.
No matter. Bill's all growed up and smart now. He embraces the perfect wisdom of being 18 years old, a young patriot (skip drinking beer and getting laid) and heading to a godforsaken desert to get blowed up for no reason whatsoever.
Oh yeah, be reminded that on two occasions in 2003, Kristol told C-Span callers that he had been "too young for Vietnam" or "too young to be drafted for Vietnam."
Fuck me then! Your host, a mere 4 months younger than young Bill, recalls vividly having been served with draft registration papers at age 18. Your host also recalls having had no qualms about being opposed to the LBJ/Nixon/Kissinger criminal occupation, then or now.
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